In 2020, the ADDM Network found
1 in 36
8-year-old children were identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the United States (US)
In 2020
1 in 22
8-year-old children were identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in California
In 2020,
1 in ?
8-year-old children were identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Texas...
Did you know?
The numbers you see above represent 11 states that conducted public health surveillance of autism. Each of those 11 states, found the prevalence rates specific to their areas like the example you see from California. However, these autism prevalence rates have never included children from Texas. For the first time ever, Texas has joined this surveillance network. But we need the help of schools and health organizations in our state to make this happen.

image of dark long hair female showing images to three kids seated on small yellow and green chairs